

We are down at the beach this weekend, just the Joy and Sean Bruce clan. The 4 of us. I had not realized it, but this hasn't happened in a while, but the dynamics couldn't be better. A great time has been had by ALL. Such simple things bring ample pleasures.

Cheap Cookies from BiLo
(see the cookie crumb lips?)
New equipment at the Playground

Just hanging out downstairs.....playing around:
with Star (11 1/2 years old)

Ice Cream and Icee-pops on the porch

DaDa's bike helment didn't come off for a good long while. Had to wear it while riding hardcore in the water puddles on this tricycle.
The Oceanside Village Golf Cart Parade

20 minutes of mother/daughter time with sidewalk chalk and an underwater mural is born:
Sean and I have had a few of our own indulgences.....over the course of the time I've been here I've had the opportunity to watch the Star Wars series (on the Spike channel). I've never been interested in these movies before, but brushing up on some knowledge, thank you wikipedia, I'm now in the know of Star Wars, well basic terminology - Sith, millenium falcon, the force, jedi knights, droids, etc.

We also were able to indulge in a live webcast of the Rothbury music festival in Michigan. My new favorite, Jackie Greene performed, then of course the Crowes. Sean has it so we hook up the laptop to the TV, so a nice afternoon was had of great music.

Made a visit to our favorite eatery spot...Ultimate California Pizza, sat outside and guess what Skylar had? a personal peanut butter and jelly pizza! Afterwards it was a fireworks purchase and homemade ice cream. Only at the beach can you buy fireworks, a MB shot glass, a hermit crab and homemade ice cream all in one tiny strip mall.

Okay, enough rambling. Thanks for stopping in.

What are your favorite things @ the beach?

1 comment:

  1. I enjoy your posts so much! thank you for taking the time to do it. Sounds like you had a great "just family" weekend. those are SO important. Good for you and Sean.
