
Mason Jar

Well, I finally followed through with one of the "crafts" I've been eying lately.  So here ya go:

I went to one of my favorite places the Depot @ Gibson Mill and picked up this mason jar.

I used a pump from an old hand soap bottle that was stored under my kitchen cabinet.

Then I went to drill a hole in the top for the pump, but eh-hem, our drill died, well the batteries did.  They can't be charged, so I guess a new drill is our near future.  But luckily we have a pretty handy neighbor and he drilled a nice hole for me.
I just had the hole the biggest size of the tube part of the pump.  That way the top (black) part would sit nicely on top.

Now I've read tutorials where they glued the pump to the lid, but mine ended up fitting snug I opted not to, at least at this point.  (it may wiggle loose)


Fill it up with your favorite soap.  There is actually A LOT of soap in there.  So I doubt it'll ever be full.  Cute huh?



  1. love! have several sitting in my cabinet with no purpose that i couldn't stand to toss. maybe i'll get around to it? good job, joy! thanks for the ideas.

  2. Looks great sitting on your sink! Aren't you the crafty one???!!!

  3. Love it!! You never cease to amaze!

  4. Pretty dang cool!!!
