
the Flip

Okay, I LOVE LOVE LOVE this product! Of course, I always like a new gadget, but this stands out above the rest, well okay, not the iPod.
Let me sell you on this.....
We have a video camera, a very nice one at that. It’s a few years old, okay 8 years, but it’s still pretty small. It’s ‘digital’ but yet takes those little tapes. We hardly EVER used it, Jaden in his 18 months is probably on there a whole 4 times. I would much rather just grab my camera than find it, load the proper tape and wait for it to boot up. My cousin, Leigh told me about the Flip so I checked it out. The next day I bought one and have been trying to get everyone I know, especially anyone with kids, to buy one.
It’s a video camera the size of a point and shoot camera. The Flip is stripped down to the basics, no special effects, it doesn’t have a million features and best of all NO tapes. It’s got this nifty little USB port that pops up when you need to upload your videos. Okay, sound scary? “Uploading the videos”? Sound technical? Well it’s the very opposite. The camera comes with built in software. Just a few buttons and you choose what you want to do with it, email, put it on YouTube, make a movie, send a greeting. All with one little click. It then compresses and gets it ready for you. Nothing more to know.
It only has a few buttons on the back, and the version I bought recharges when you plug it in to your computer. It can record up to 60 minutes before you need to delete or upload.
So very simple and so very convenient. I’ve taped so much in the 2 weeks I’ve had it.
Check it out: http://theflip.com/
I purchased mine at Best Buy. I have the latest version, the Flip Mino. It cost roughly $150. There are other versions, so be sure to compare.
Let me know what you think. I’ve attached some videos.


  1. Umm... while I love your kids and all, why isn't the video on there that I took yesterday proclaiming "the year of the hat?!"

    Just curious...

    Love ya!

  2. Love it! I need one! We have the same "digital" with the tape. It has been nice but by the time I get it ready to use the moment is over! HA!

  3. Well, at least you gave 'some' credit to me. :) haha I can't believe you ran out and bought one the NEXT DAY. I knew you would love it!! I still haven't downloaded anything, but have used it a bunch. It's fun, huh???

  4. how cute...and of course I missed it!
