Camp Lurecrest is a VERY near and dear place to me. As most of you know, I went as a camper from age 10 - 18, worked there 3 summers, met my husband there, and I just recently sent my daughter there and worked as a kitchen lady.
Most importantly, I really came to know my Lord there, that mountaintop brought many experiences that shaped my relationship and paved ways for the rest of my life!
Every summer on staff there is a camp nurse. God bless the heart of a camp nurse. Seriously, she deals with homesickness, minor boo boos, big boo boos, kids that stuffed themself sick with sugar. Basically she becomes the wide spectrum of mom and nurse. Her job DOES NOT STOP.
This story I want to share is the story of a lady who has been the camp nurse for many summers. She, as I, went as a camper and wound up working at camp and just continued to serve there.
She was diagnosed with cancer and has been in Stage 4 for 11 years! 11 years!! Endless chemo, pain, meds, losing her hair, etc.
She was at the end of her life a few weeks ago and BAM! she was healed.
Please read this awesome story and remember: HE FIGHTS FOR US!!
Click HERE to read.
To God be the Glory!!
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