frustrate /frústrayt/ 1. make (efforts) ineffective. 2. prevent (a person) -mommy- from achieving a purpose
1 counteract, nullify, negate 2 defeat, forestall, stop, halt, cripple, hinder
Albeit, he's tough, tiring, whiny, time consuming and needy, oh how I love this little boy and his cute ways!
He makes me smile and laugh even in the toughest situations. Jaden is such a happy being. Truly, naturally just happy. It's contagious.
I love: his little toes and flat feet. the way he outeats everyone in the house in the mornings. he wakes up thinking about breakfast. "mommy i ont panpakes". he'll literally eat 3 pankcakes, a bowl of oatmeal and a bowl of yogurt for breakfast. the way he sings "he we go home, home, home, here we go home, home home" over and over and over and over ANYTIME we get in the car. he inserts wherever we're going in the song. therefor always having to know where we're going and what's coming next. "where next mommy?"
I love the way he tells us to dance to the music when in the car, the way he cups his hand by his ear when he hears something, like a bird or firetruck. "hear dat mommy?"
He has a train set he got for Christmas. He loves to help put it together and then he'll sit and play with it for a long time. He has the control of forward and backwards, blocks go in and out, different people drive..........

Jaden's treat are suckers. LOVES THEM. Sometimes it's termed "candy". However, I will get down the candy jar and he'll search for the perfect one. This is his search position every time.

Yes, he spits, hits, kicks, throws, but it all makes it him.
From this......

What character trait in your kids/grandkids do you just want to bottle up and keep forever?
Okay, I think I just got teary eyed on that last little comment...from this to fast they grow amazes me! I remember it like yesterday, I missed his birth! Haha! He's a special child and I'm proud to be his aunt! Can't wait to see what the future holds for both Jaden and Skylar!!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great post, Joy! What a precious boy! Wow, in a big boy bed, going potty and threw away paci....good grief girl, what more could you want??!!
ReplyDeleteTraits I would love to see in my grands: good manners, a loving heart towards others and a heart for Nonny and Poppy and Jesus!!!
By the way, what a cutie!!!