I just stumbled across this website www.inhabitat.com. I love it because it's a very cause worthy site and right up my alley as far as conserving and re-using minded. They held this contest - Spring Greening Competition - they were "looking for creative and clever designs that find new uses for old household items" Ultra Creative people just really blow my mind! This type of re-purposing art and yes it's art - intrigues me, captures me, inspires me and absolutely blows my mind. For days I'll look at things in a new light, but my brain does not think like that so no "design" will come of it, but I do welcome the change of perspective. Here's the link to the finalist for this contest: FINALIST
but I'll post some below as well if you don't want to take the time.
I've seen this done with license plates, but I like this new twist on mundane everyday items:
This is incredible - pop ends from soda cans! As they said, it gives something with such a short life span, some newer long-lasting purpose.
This pendant light is made from a school dining hall's yogurt bottles! WOW! Retro Modern.
Okay, this one is probably my favorite! National Geographic Magazines turned into a shelf!! the "how-to": "coated the magazines with a a water/starch mixture and then he placed them under pressure for about a week to harden. Next he took a band saw to the consolidated stack and carved out space for a shelf. Holes were also cut into the bookshelf’s sides, allowing it to slide onto three rods to be hung. About 80 mags were used."
the NatGeo shelf is AMAZING...my other finalist fave is the light bulb turned bud vase. so cute and quirky.